Wednesday 21 October 2009

Session 6: My favourite animal


This time, I will talk about one of my favourites animals: The Meerkat or Suricate.
In the first place, the meerkat is a small mammal that lives in Kalahari Desert in Botswana, South Africa.
One characteristics of this animal is that it lives in groups, a meerkat clan often contains about 20 individuals. Besides, it can live 12 or 14 years.
Regarding its anatomy, the meerkat has a long slender body, long and thin tail that it uses them to balance when standing upright.
For be a burrowing animal, it has curved claw to digging burrows or digging for prey.
The coat is usually fawn with gray or brown with a silver tint.
Respecting its habits, it is insectivore, but sometimes eat lizards, scorpion (the meerkat is partially immune to scorpion venom), spiders, plants, and more.
One interesting habit is that while others meerkats foraging or playing, one “sentry” on guard watching for predators. If appear a predator, the “sentry” gives a warning bark (it makes barks with specific meanings, like the approach of snakes and birds of prey) and other members will run and hide in one of the many burrows in the ground. This “sentry” is changed after one hour.
Taking everything into account, I thing that it is a very interesting animal for its behavior, for example the “sentry” because it is a particular characteristic that have not many animals and chiefly the capacity to make different sounds with different meanings, that the meerkats live in group is interesting too for how they organized to the various activities that they must to do. Furthermore, I love this animal because it is so cute and tender! :) and it is sympathetic too. I remember I met it in the movie “The Lion King”, I was fanatic of that movie. After, I saw many documentaries of the meerkats in “Animal planet”, but was 2 years ago, in Buenos Aires Zoo when I saw the meerkats in person. They were very small and so cute!.
To sum up, in my opinion this animal has many characteristics like group very interesting to the study and to know how this animals fight every day to survive.

1 comment:

  1. This time, I will talk about one of my WF favourites animals: The Meerkat or Suricate.
    In the first place, the meerkat is a small mammal that lives in Kalahari Desert in Botswana, South Africa.
    One characteristics of this animal is that it lives in groups, a meerkat clan often contains about 20 individuals. Besides, it can live 12 or 14 years.
    Regarding its anatomy, the meerkat has a long slender body, long and thin tail that it uses them to balance when standing upright.
    For be a burrowing animal, it has curved claw to digging burrows or digging for prey.
    The coat is usually fawn with gray or brown with a silver tint.
    Respecting its habits, it is insectivore, but sometimes eat lizards, scorpion (the meerkat is partially immune to scorpion venom), spiders, plants, and more.
    One interesting habit is that while others meerkats foraging or playing, one “sentry” on guard watching for predators. If ^ appear a predator, the “sentry” gives a warning bark (it makes barks with specific meanings, like the approach of snakes and birds of prey) and other members will run and hide in one of the many burrows in the ground. This “sentry” is changed after one hour.
    Taking everything into account, I WF thing that it is a very interesting animal for its behavior, for example the “sentry” because it is a particular characteristic that have not many animals and chiefly the capacity to make different sounds with different meanings, that the meerkats live in group is interesting too for how they organized to the various activities that they must to do. Furthermore, I love this animal because it is so cute and tender! :) and it is sympathetic too. I remember I met it in the movie “The Lion King”, I was fanatic of that movie. After, I saw many documentaries of the meerkats in “Animal planet”, but was 2 years ago, in Buenos Aires Zoo when I saw the meerkats in person. They were very small and so cute!.
    To sum up, in my opinion this animal has many characteristics like group very interesting to the study and to know how this animals fight every day to survive.

    well done! good description...
    Have you seen the documentary or Reality show in Animal planet?it´s quite good.
    check the revisions
    p.s. you got a 6
