Sunday 29 November 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year (2009)

Hello everyone!

Have a good academic year is something that every student wants. An academic year has many challenges. Some of them are more difficult than others, depending of its characteristics and at the time that the challenge happens, like the academic moment of student.
To this, is very important that the students can to face the different types of challenges and that they know how to face them, to in the future be a best persons and professionals.
On the other hand, the academic year has triumphs, these are very important because a student look how his effort has yielded good results, and it’s very rewarding.
Then, I will talk about my triumphs, challenges and other things in my career this year.

To begin, I had to face many challenges this year. The main challenge was approve the subjects. Fortunately, I had no troubles with some subject because I think that you get used to pace of study and the way to make it. However, last term was a little more difficult than the first term and more tiring (extremely tiring, I think). Sometimes I had 4 tests at week and I couldn’t to sleep well for many days. Besides, this year I had more group work and this was a challenge too, because you must coordinate the time to make the work and make the times of all coincide is very difficult.

On the other hand, moreover of challenges, I had triumphs and good things during this year, for example, I approved almost all subjects (missing some of them) and this is a relief, after so much effort and nights without to sleep much, approve them is very comfortable. The subject that worried me was immunology, because I had a bad mark in the first test and this subject wasn’t easy. Nevertheless, after study so much, I approve it!. Another good thing was make riding, something that I wanted to do long time ago. I love it because it’s a moment in that you are in contact with animals, and you set up a beautiful relationship with them. Furthermore it’s a moment that you relax and you free of any.

In conclusion, I think that I had a good academic year after all. I had many challenges like all students, have to approve the subjects, some of them more difficult than others, where you must study more. Other challenges was the group work, sometimes isn’t nice, but it’s important to learn to work with another people, because they show you others viewpoints and you can share experiences. With respect the triumphs or good things, I’m very comfortable because you effort so much to getting the things that you want. After stay up late, is good to know that you approve a subject, or have the opportunity of make riding. I hope that next year will be better than this year and all of you to learn about all experiences that life presents, something very important to be a best veterinarian and especially, to be a good person =).

Good luck!


  1. Hello everyone!

    Have a good academic year is something that every student wants. An academic year has many challenges. Some of them are more difficult than others, depending WW of its characteristics and at the time that the challenge happens, like the academic moment of student.
    To this, is very important that the students can WW to face the different types of challenges and that they know how to face them, to in the future be a best persons and professionals.
    On the other hand, the academic year has triumphs, these are very important because a student SVA look how his effort has yielded good results, and it’s very rewarding.
    Then, I will talk about my triumphs, challenges and other things in my career this year.

    To begin, I had to face many challenges this year. The main challenge was WW approve the subjects. Fortunately, I had no WW troubles with some subject because I think that you get used to pace of study and the way to make it. However, last term was a little more difficult than the first term and more tiring (extremely tiring, I think). Sometimes I had 4 tests at week and I couldn’t WW to sleep well for many days. Besides, this year I had more group work and this was a challenge too, because you must coordinate the time to make the work and make the times of all coincide is very difficult.

    On the other hand, moreover of challenges, I had triumphs and good things during this year, for example, I WW approved almost all subjects (missing some of them) and this is a relief, after so much effort and nights without to sleep much, approve them is very comfortable. The subject that worried me was immunology, because I had a bad mark in the first test and this subject wasn’t easy. Nevertheless, after TENSE study so much, I WW TENSE approve it!. Another good thing was WF make riding, something that I wanted to do long time ago. I love it because it’s a moment in that you are in contact with animals, and you set up a beautiful relationship with them. Furthermore it’s a moment that you relax and you free of any.

    In conclusion, I think that I had a good academic year after all. I had many challenges like all students, have to approve the subjects, some of them more difficult than others, where you must study more. Other challenges SVA was the group work, sometimes isn’t nice, but it’s important to learn to work with another people, because they show you others viewpoints and you can share experiences. With respect the triumphs or good things, I’m very comfortable because you effort so much to getting the things that you want. After stay up late, is good to know that you approve a subject, or have the opportunity of make riding. I hope that next year will be better than this year and all of you to learn about all experiences that life presents, something very important to be a best veterinarian and especially, to be a good person =).

    Good luck!

    I totally agree with you!! more than any professional you have to be a good person otherwise, it doesn't work!!
    be careful with some forms, check them
    p.s. you got a 6.7

  2. Hi!

    I will talk about one thing about our career: some challenges. I think that this career has many different challenges and some of them are simpler than others, depending,^ for example, the students or the university.

    In the first place, WW the technology is an important challenge today for the machines or innovations that can be used in veterinary medicine, like ultrasound, anesthesia equipment, things to laboratory.
    Moreover, the technology advanced very quickly and is important that a veterinarian know about the advances that have taken the medicines, for instance, the changes in them, how things have they now that can improve a treatment, elements that can decrease the adverse effects.
    Hence, a veterinarian must learn about the advances in technology.

    Secondly, the social matters are one of thing more important, because we live in society, and all our life we have to deal with other people. As a veterinarian, we have contact with the animal’s owner and we must have a good deal with them or else, he ^ never back again.
    Moreover, ^ is important have a good relation with the colleagues, although sometimes this is a bit difficult because the opinions about different themes aren’t ever the same or the way to make the things is different. However, one must make the things of the best way possible and to become a good veterinarian.
    To sum up, I think that the best way to have good social matters is with respect, think good before to make and listened the opinions of colleagues with more or less experience.

    Finally, the education also is important because a veterinarian must learn constantly about new things that appear all the time, such as new diseases. Furthermore, one never SVA finish of learn, always there is some new, interesting or useful to perform of this career. Besides, the interests of veterinarians are different and they take options to make what they like. To this, you can take a course, make a PhD, postgraduate, for example. Also there is congress of different themes in different places.

    On the whole, veterinarian medicine has many challenges, we must to face them to become in a good veterinarian and contribute with the society.

    Interesting... so many things to consider.
    well done! check the revisions
    p.s. you got a 6

  3. Hello.

    Today, I will talk about the facilities of our faculty. To begin, this faculty has many nice places to stay in the free time or to study, for instance, it has landscaping and study rooms. The infrastrucutre in our faculty is very beautiful and nice to stay.

    Furthermore, this year SVA have built differents things, like a manege to make riding, a troy to tame horses. But, I think that missing some things to improve the study of the people, for example:
    I think that we need more computers, because sometimes (or the majority of the times) there SVA isn’t available, and you have to wait long time until a computer is WF vacated. It’s unpleasant. Moreover, the internet doesn’t always work or it is very slow. So, I improve internet, the system that the faculty has to this will be more efficient and improve the infrastructure to have more computers and of course, acquire computers.

    Another thing that I will improve is the infrastructure to the stables. Actually, the faculty has 3 or 4 stables for the horses that coming to the clinic, but this isn’t sufficient, I think. There is corral near, to others horses that coming, but they don’t have ceiling, only there is a little of ceiling that is of other constructions, and when it rains, the horses haven’t ^ where refuge and they wet, because the little ceiling isn’t enough. On the other hand, when it hot, the horses haven’t ^ much shadow. Hence, I improve this things, I will build ceilings to this corral and will make more corral and stables, even though in this moment are being constructed more stables, this is so good!.

    In so far as to “Mundo Granja”, the corrals of animals aren’t so good, they will be WW more safer and build with other materials to the dogs don’t attack the animals.
    WW Respect to the library, I think that will WW must have more books, because there is one or three copies of a book (there is exception too) to all the students! And sometimes nay people need the same book in the same time and you go to reserve it and the book is TENSE lend and you must to wait until the person SVA give back it or not use the book.

    Lastly, The cafeteria is a little small. In winter, all people go to this place to eat or stay and you can’t stay very comfortable with many people. For this, I will resolve it to expanding this place.

    Taking everything into account, our faculty is very beautiful and comfortable to stay, to study, see the animals and “Mundo Granja” and more. However, it has things that could be improve to make more helpful the stay here.

    very good! there are things that must be improved I'm sure...
    don't forget third person. check the corrections
    p.s. you got a 5.7
    Posted by Cami at 12:30 0 comments
    Session 7: The Fido awards are the canine Oscars

  4. Hello!

    This news is about a special recognition to dogs, the third annual Fido awards, the Oscars for canine actors, and it will be presented in London. The ceremony has different categories and list with its nominees, this year, there is a special WF nomine list in comedy, because in this list is: the dogs in Beverley Hills Chihuahua and the CGI film Bolt.

    Other category is the mutt moment category and here is nominated Lucy Reichardt that SVA appear in the indie road movie Wendy and Lucy alongside Michelle Williams and also the mutt dog Tennents in the film Fish Tank because there is scenes with social realism.

    The founder of these awards is a journalist called Toby Rose. He set up other awards to the dogs, the Palm dog, at the Cannes film festival in 2001.
    To create these awards, Rose was inspired in his dog, a fox terrier called Mutley, who died. This dog met many stars, like Steven Spielberg, Charlotte Rampling, Chloë Sevigny.
    Moreover, Mutley has appeared on TV and starred in fashion magazines.

    In 2007, after that Rose wanted set up a British awards ceremony for dogs, the Fido awards were launched at the British Film Festival. On that ocassion, the winner was the corgis in The Queen. Last year, the winner was a dog called Dolly, a Norfolk terrier for the movie St Trinian’s.

    What do you SP thing about this canine recognition? :)

    I think it's cool!! It's like my shame on you awards... everybody must have recognition:)

    p.s. you got a 6
