Monday 23 November 2009

Session 9: Challenges in your discipline


I will talk about one thing about our career: some challenges. I think that this career has many different challenges and some of them are simpler than others, depending, for example, the students or the university.

In the first place, the technology is an important challenge today for the machines or innovations that can be used in veterinary medicine, like ultrasound, anesthesia equipment, things to laboratory.
Moreover, the technology advanced very quickly and is important that a veterinarian know about the advances that have taken the medicines, for instance, the changes in them, how things have they now that can improve a treatment, elements that can decrease the adverse effects.
Hence, a veterinarian must learn about the advances in technology.

Secondly, the social matters are one of thing more important, because we live in society, and all our life we have to deal with other people. As a veterinarian, we have contact with the animal’s owner and we must have a good deal with them or else, he never back again.
Moreover, is important have a good relation with the colleagues, although sometimes this is a bit difficult because the opinions about different themes aren’t ever the same or the way to make the things is different. However, one must make the things of the best way possible and to become a good veterinarian.
To sum up, I think that the best way to have good social matters is with respect, think good before to make and listened the opinions of colleagues with more or less experience.

Finally, the education also is important because a veterinarian must learn constantly about new things that appear all the time, such as new diseases. Furthermore, one never finish of learn, always there is some new, interesting or useful to perform of this career. Besides, the interests of veterinarians are different and they take options to make what they like. To this, you can take a course, make a PhD, postgraduate, for example. Also there is congress of different themes in different places.

On the whole, veterinarian medicine has many challenges, we must to face them to become in a good veterinarian and contribute with the society.

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