Wednesday 30 September 2009

Session 4: September


In this time, I will talk about September 18th. This is a very important day to all the Chileans, because is the day of the First Government Junta in 1810 and the people celebrate this, for instance, people go to the “fondas”, places where the people dance “cueca” and other dances like cumbias and they sell “anticuchos”, “empanadas”, and o other things. Besides, the barbecues is the more common form to celebrate, many families gather and enjoy the barbecue.
To Me, this day is a great opportunity to visit my family that living in El Quisco, they are my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins of part of my mum. This year, I went to El Quisco with my parents, sister, boy friend and my guinea pig J all the weekend and celebrate de 18th making a great barbecue (it was so delicious! :P) with all my family over there.
To begin with be Chilean, I think that we have many goods things, for instance, we are humble, nice with the others, especially with the foreign, they are treated very good (There are also exceptions, of course). We have a good humor and humor with ourselves too, we have a goodwill, we are solidarity, and other things.
In the other hand, between the things that aren’t good in us are: we are so good to “sacar la vuelta” and linger to make the things or make all to late, speak bad and have little vocabulary. Furthermore, some people robbery and unfortunately, in other countries, we identify for this, for example Italy, that it’s so bad and we must improve this that doesn’t happen anymore.
To sum up, I think that we have characteristics that identify us like country and we must happy with the good things, like be good person with the foreign and in spite of we have bad things, try to improve to be a good person now and in the future.

ps: In the picture, Me dancing cueca with my uncle many years ago xD.

Good bye!

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Session 3: Transantiago

Hello Everyone!

In the first place, I think that Transantiago has a better infraestrucuture than the previous system, the most buses are better and more clean compared with the yellows buses, they were in very poor condition.
An additional advantage of Transantiago is that it is thought for disabled people, it has specially doors to this people and the most of buses don’t have stairs and they have ramps. On the other hand, all of yellow buses have stairs and they haven’t ramps to the disabled people.
In Transantiago, not everyone pay. This system doesn’t assure everybody’s payment and in the future, maybe this problem might make that the passage more expensive. Nevertheless, in the previous system the people pay to the driver, althought in my opinion, this isn’t the better form, but well, more people pay.
A further advantage of Transantiago is that it has a bus stop defined, that help to decrease the congestion.
And another disadvantage of Transantiago is that the frequency isn’t reliable, the buses delay many minutes in pass! People wait, and wait… There is rows very long to take the bus. However, with the yellows buses, the frequency was more regular, without many time between buses.
Respect to my experience in the beginning of this system, I didn’t have problems with the buses, because I used the underground to go the school or to go to other places in Santiago. But now, that I use more the buses than before, I have had problems with the frequency to go to University. Sometimes the bus not pass, and I have had that take other options to go.
Finally, the changes that I would apply, for instance, implement a security system to the people, besides of the cameras, to avoid the mugging, pickpocketing, etc, because the security in the buses isn’t good. Other thing would be improve the frequency and add more buses or make that all of them are in “service”.
Also, invent a system that assure that the people pay.

Happy 18th! :)


Thursday 3 September 2009

Session 2: A country I would like to visit

Hello people!

The country that I would like to go is Spain, because the flamenco is originating of this country and my mom went 10 years ago and she told me that Spain was a beautiful country for all its culture and history. For example, Granada is a city in Spain that was colonized for the Arabic culture and the constructions are very beautiful, with many details and colours.
When I was in the school, I learned many things about this country in history, for instance, It is one of the few countries that still have monarchy, colonized America and other things. Futhermore, flamenco was created in Andalucía, in southern Spain by gypsies for a misture of different cultures.
In the first place, I would like to meet different places, for example Madrid, Sevilla, Granada. I love travel and to know places and cultures differents from mine. So, travel is a very good form to learn about the world.
After, I would like take classes of flamenco to learn more about this dance with Adela Campallo, a great dancer that go to Chile many times, to my academy, but I could not take her class for different reasons: money and time.
I don’t have relatives in this country, so I could not see someone I knew.
Finally, I hope to go to this country some day!, when I finish the University and have the money.