Wednesday 16 September 2009

Session 3: Transantiago

Hello Everyone!

In the first place, I think that Transantiago has a better infraestrucuture than the previous system, the most buses are better and more clean compared with the yellows buses, they were in very poor condition.
An additional advantage of Transantiago is that it is thought for disabled people, it has specially doors to this people and the most of buses don’t have stairs and they have ramps. On the other hand, all of yellow buses have stairs and they haven’t ramps to the disabled people.
In Transantiago, not everyone pay. This system doesn’t assure everybody’s payment and in the future, maybe this problem might make that the passage more expensive. Nevertheless, in the previous system the people pay to the driver, althought in my opinion, this isn’t the better form, but well, more people pay.
A further advantage of Transantiago is that it has a bus stop defined, that help to decrease the congestion.
And another disadvantage of Transantiago is that the frequency isn’t reliable, the buses delay many minutes in pass! People wait, and wait… There is rows very long to take the bus. However, with the yellows buses, the frequency was more regular, without many time between buses.
Respect to my experience in the beginning of this system, I didn’t have problems with the buses, because I used the underground to go the school or to go to other places in Santiago. But now, that I use more the buses than before, I have had problems with the frequency to go to University. Sometimes the bus not pass, and I have had that take other options to go.
Finally, the changes that I would apply, for instance, implement a security system to the people, besides of the cameras, to avoid the mugging, pickpocketing, etc, because the security in the buses isn’t good. Other thing would be improve the frequency and add more buses or make that all of them are in “service”.
Also, invent a system that assure that the people pay.

Happy 18th! :)



  1. Hi Cami!!
    You're right, I almost forgot disabled people :P
    And I had the same problems to go to University, most of times I was late!!
    About people that don't pay, I think they are the ones who make this system so terrible, because the system is good, but people aren't so good :(
    Have a good holiday and don't get drunk too much!! XDXD

  2. In the first place, I think that Transantiago has a better infraestrucuture than the previous system, the most buses are better and more clean compared with the yellows buses, they were in very poor condition.
    An additional advantage of Transantiago is that it is thought for disabled people, it has specially doors to this people and the most of buses don’t have stairs and they have ramps. On the other hand, all of yellow buses TENSE have stairs and they haven’t ramps to the disabled people.
    In Transantiago, not everyone SVA pay. This system doesn’t assure everybody’s payment and in the future, maybe this problem might make that the passage more expensive. Nevertheless, in the previous system the people pay to the driver, althought in my opinion, this isn’t the better form, but well, more people pay.
    A further advantage of Transantiago is that it has a bus stop defined, that help to decrease the congestion.
    And another disadvantage of Transantiago is that the frequency isn’t reliable, the buses delay many minutes in pass! People wait, and wait… There is rows very long to take the bus. However, with the yellows buses, the frequency was more regular, without many time between buses.
    Respect to my experience in the beginning of this system, I didn’t have problems with the buses, because I used the underground to go the school or to go to other places in Santiago. But now, that I use more the buses than before, I have had problems with the frequency to go to University. Sometimes the bus ^ not pass, and I have had that take other options to go.
    Finally, the changes that I would apply, for instance, implement a security system to the people, besides of the cameras, to avoid the mugging, pickpocketing, etc, because the security in the buses isn’t good. Other thing would be improve the frequency and add more buses or make that all of them are in “service”.
    Also,^ invent a system that assure that the people pay.

    well done! good presentation of the ideas. Some tiny things but very clear!
    p.s. you got a 6.5

  3. In the first place, I think that Transantiago has a better infraestrucuture than the previous system, the most buses are better and more clean compared with the yellows buses, they were in very poor condition.
    An additional advantage of Transantiago is that it is thought for disabled people, it has specially doors to this people and the most of buses don’t have stairs and they have ramps. On the other hand, all of yellow buses HAD stairs and they HAD NOT ramps to the disabled people.
    In Transantiago, not everyone PAYS. This system doesn’t assure everybody’s payment and in the future, maybe this problem might make that the passage more expensive. Nevertheless, in the previous system the people pay to the driver, althought in my opinion, this isn’t the better form, but well, more people pay.
    A further advantage of Transantiago is that it has a bus stop defined, that help to decrease the congestion.
    And another disadvantage of Transantiago is that the frequency isn’t reliable, the buses delay many minutes in pass! People wait, and wait… There is rows very long to take the bus. However, with the yellows buses, the frequency was more regular, without many time between buses.
    Respect to my experience in the beginning of this system, I didn’t have problems with the buses, because I used the underground to go the school or to go to other places in Santiago. But now, that I use more the buses than before, I have had problems with the frequency to go to University. Sometimes the bus DON'T pass, and I have had that take other options to go.
    Finally, the changes that I would apply, for instance, implement a security system to the people, besides of the cameras, to avoid the mugging, pickpocketing, etc, because the security in the buses isn’t good. Other thing would be improve the frequency and add more buses or make that all of them are in “service”.
    Also,I WOULD SUGGEST invent a system that assure that the people pay.
