Wednesday 30 September 2009

Session 4: September


In this time, I will talk about September 18th. This is a very important day to all the Chileans, because is the day of the First Government Junta in 1810 and the people celebrate this, for instance, people go to the “fondas”, places where the people dance “cueca” and other dances like cumbias and they sell “anticuchos”, “empanadas”, and o other things. Besides, the barbecues is the more common form to celebrate, many families gather and enjoy the barbecue.
To Me, this day is a great opportunity to visit my family that living in El Quisco, they are my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins of part of my mum. This year, I went to El Quisco with my parents, sister, boy friend and my guinea pig J all the weekend and celebrate de 18th making a great barbecue (it was so delicious! :P) with all my family over there.
To begin with be Chilean, I think that we have many goods things, for instance, we are humble, nice with the others, especially with the foreign, they are treated very good (There are also exceptions, of course). We have a good humor and humor with ourselves too, we have a goodwill, we are solidarity, and other things.
In the other hand, between the things that aren’t good in us are: we are so good to “sacar la vuelta” and linger to make the things or make all to late, speak bad and have little vocabulary. Furthermore, some people robbery and unfortunately, in other countries, we identify for this, for example Italy, that it’s so bad and we must improve this that doesn’t happen anymore.
To sum up, I think that we have characteristics that identify us like country and we must happy with the good things, like be good person with the foreign and in spite of we have bad things, try to improve to be a good person now and in the future.

ps: In the picture, Me dancing cueca with my uncle many years ago xD.

Good bye!


  1. Hello!

    In this time, I will talk about September 18th. This is a very important day to all the Chileans, because is the day of the First Government Junta in 1810 and the people celebrate this, for instance, people go to the “fondas”, places where the people dance “cueca” and other dances like cumbias and they sell “anticuchos”, “empanadas”, and o other things. Besides, the barbecues is the more common form to celebrate, many families gather and enjoy the barbecue.
    To Me, this day is a great opportunity to visit my family that living in El Quisco, they are my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins of part of my mum. This year, I went to El Quisco with my parents, sister, boy friend and my guinea pig J all the weekend and celebrate de 18th making a great barbecue (it was so delicious! :P) with all my family over there.
    To begin with be Chilean, I think that we have many WF goods things, for instance, we are humble, nice with the others, especially with the foreign, they are treated very good (There are also exceptions, of course). We have a good humor and humor with ourselves too, we have a goodwill, we are solidarity, and other things.
    WW In the other hand, between the things that aren’t good in us are: we are so good to “sacar la vuelta” and linger to make the things or make all to late, speak bad and have little vocabulary. Furthermore, some people WF robbery and unfortunately, in other countries, we WF identify for this, for example Italy, that it’s so bad and we must improve this that doesn’t happen anymore.
    To sum up, I think that we have characteristics that identify us like country and we must happy with the good things, like be good person with the foreign and in spite of we have bad things, try to improve to be a good person now and in the future.

    I really like the way I see you writing congratulations girl!!
    There are some things of course but I'm proud

    p.s. you got a 6.7
    ps: In the picture, Me dancing cueca with my uncle many years ago xD

  2. Hello!

    In this time, I will talk about September 18th. This is a very important day to all the Chileans, because is the day of the First Government Junta in 1810 and the people celebrate this, for instance, people go to the “fondas”, places where the people dance “cueca” and other dances like cumbias and they sell “anticuchos”, “empanadas”, and other things. Besides, the barbecues is the more common form to celebrate, many families gather and enjoy the barbecue.
    To Me, this day is a great opportunity to visit my family that living in El Quisco, they are my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins of part of my mum. This year, I went to El Quisco with my parents, sister, boy friend and my guinea pig all the weekend and celebrate de 18th making a great barbecue (it was so delicious! :P) with all my family over there.
    To begin with be Chilean, I think that we have many GOOD things, for instance, we are humble, nice with the others, especially with the foreign, they are treated very good (There are also exceptions, of course). We have a good humor and humor with ourselves too, we have a goodwill, we are solidarity, and other things.
    ON THE OTHER HAND, between the things that aren’t good in us are: we are so good to “sacar la vuelta” and linger to make the things or make all to late, speak bad and have little vocabulary. Furthermore, some people STEAL and unfortunately, in other countries, we WF IDENTIFIED for this, for example Italy, that it’s so bad and we must improve this that doesn’t happen anymore.
    To sum up, I think that we have characteristics that identify us like country and we must happy with the good things, like be good person with the foreign and in spite of we have bad things, try to improve to be a good person now and in the future.

    p.s.: In the picture, Me dancing cueca with my uncle many years ago xD
