Thursday 3 September 2009

Session 2: A country I would like to visit

Hello people!

The country that I would like to go is Spain, because the flamenco is originating of this country and my mom went 10 years ago and she told me that Spain was a beautiful country for all its culture and history. For example, Granada is a city in Spain that was colonized for the Arabic culture and the constructions are very beautiful, with many details and colours.
When I was in the school, I learned many things about this country in history, for instance, It is one of the few countries that still have monarchy, colonized America and other things. Futhermore, flamenco was created in Andalucía, in southern Spain by gypsies for a misture of different cultures.
In the first place, I would like to meet different places, for example Madrid, Sevilla, Granada. I love travel and to know places and cultures differents from mine. So, travel is a very good form to learn about the world.
After, I would like take classes of flamenco to learn more about this dance with Adela Campallo, a great dancer that go to Chile many times, to my academy, but I could not take her class for different reasons: money and time.
I don’t have relatives in this country, so I could not see someone I knew.
Finally, I hope to go to this country some day!, when I finish the University and have the money.


  1. mmm Spain
    ole! :)
    is absolutely intersting
    because all the culture wich is mixed with our
    is full of history, poetry and like you tell, music :)

    see you in class
    thanks for visiting me

  2. Hi my love!

    Olé Guapa! jajaja... like the Jaleo in your flamenco dance. Spain I like so much this country too, I hope the horse area is wide there, to work there. kisses and see you.
    bye love.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hi cami!! wow!! spain!! that is great!...I like Spain too, I thinks that Madrid is a pretty city....well, I hope you can travel some day!
    bye bye!!!

  5. Hello people!

    The country that I would like to go is Spain, because the flamenco is originating of this country and my mom went 10 years ago and she told me that Spain was a beautiful country for all its culture and history. For example, Granada is a city in Spain that was colonized for the Arabic culture and the constructions are very beautiful, with many details and colours.
    When I was in the school, I learned many things about this country in history, for instance, It is one of the few countries that still SVA have monarchy, colonized America and other things. Futhermore, flamenco was created in Andalucía, in southern Spain by gypsies for a SP misture of different cultures.
    In the first place, I would like to meet different places, for example Madrid, Sevilla, Granada. I love WF travel and to know places and WO cultures differents from mine. So, WF travel is a very good form to learn about the world.
    After, I would like take classes of flamenco to learn more about this dance with Adela Campallo, a great dancer that TENSE go to Chile many times, to my academy, but I could not take her class for different reasons: money and time.
    I don’t have relatives in this country, so I could not see someone I knew.
    Finally, I hope to go to this country some day!, when I finish the University and have the money.
    wish you good luck with it! I´m sure you´ll make it. So, you know flamenco? very interesting!
    Regarding English, there is good order in your ideas but i think you still to link them more. regards

    p.s. you got a 6.3

  6. Hello people!

    The country that I would like to go is Spain, because the flamenco is originating of this country and my mom went 10 years ago and she told me that Spain was a beautiful country for all its culture and history. For example, Granada is a city in Spain that was colonized for the Arabic culture and the constructions are very beautiful, with many details and colours.
    When I was in the school, I learned many things about this country in history, for instance, It is one of the few countries that still HAS monarchy, colonized America and other things. Futhermore, flamenco was created in Andalucía, in southern Spain by gypsies for a MIXTURE of different cultures.
    In the first place, I would like to meet different places, for example Madrid, Sevilla, Granada. I love TO TRAVEL and to know places and DIFFERENTS CULTURES from mine. So, TO TRAVEL is a very good form to learn about the world.
    After, I would like take classes of flamenco to learn more about this dance with Adela Campallo, a great dancer that HAS COME to Chile many times, to my academy, but I could not take her class for different reasons: money and time.
    I don’t have relatives in this country, so I could not see someone I knew.
    Finally, I hope to go to this country some day!, when I finish the University and have the money.
